onsdag 17 februari 2016

Compare And Contrast - Spiderman vs The Amazing Spiderman

It is no secret that The Amazing Spider man movie has been a big success and a block buster. It is, however, somewhat unavoidable that the movie will be compared by many to the original Spider Man movie since they revolve around many of the similar characters and plots. In this essay I will be comparing the two movies and highlighting the key similarities and differences between the two. First off, both movies have the same basic idea, but the major differences are the effects, the technology and some of the characters. You can really feel the difference between the quality of the original Spider Man and the Amazing Spider Man. The Amazing Spider Man has better and smoother effects than the original one. However, a lot of people tend to like the original movies more because they think it cannot be replaced and that the originals always do better than the remade ones. Personally, I like both, but I can see why many lean towards the original one better. Even though the ratings are better at the original movies, I was really surprised with how well it did.    

THE CHARACTER: I will now compare the movies in more detail and talk more in-depth about the quality. Firstly, the aspect that most people constantly talk about is the character of Spiderman. In the original movie, Spiderman is played by Tobey Maguire, and in the latest, he is played by Andrew Garfield. I think that both characters are well suited for the job. And the characters around them are fitting as well. Many, including myself, share the opinion that Tobey Maguire is a better Peter Parker than Andrew Garfield, but at the same time Andrew Garfield is a better Spider Man. Peter Parker is meant to be a somewhat geeky looking boy who does not quite fit into the mainstream crowd. This is an important feature which Maguire nails. Garfield on the other hand manages highlight the adventurous side of The character more efficiently. Overall though, I would say that Tobey Maguire wins as the character of Spiderman, for nailing the character of Peter Parker and doing a decent job with Spiderman as well.

THE EFFECTS & ACTION: It’s true that most of the remakes are worse that the original but this one actually surprised me. It maybe wasn’t better but it was far from being a bad movie. For example, the effects of The Amazing Spider Man are considerably better. That’s, obviously, because The Amazing Spider Man was released 12 years after the original one was released. So that’s no surprise. As well, although the action is good in the original Spider Man, the action is a bit better here thanks to the great effects and the high budget. In general, I would say that The Amazing Spider Man has better action and effects than the original.

STORY & PLOT: As for the story and plot, the two movies are very similar, and that is apparently the general audience’s most common complaint about the new movie, being that the plot is not original enough in The Amazing Spider Man, and that it copied the plot of the original one. The Amazing Spiderman still offers a different villain, and the movie does become more original in the second half. The original Spiderman wins partly for obvious reasons.

CONCLUSION: Ultimately, both movies are well made and very entertaining. The Amazing Spider Man offers better effects and action, whereas the original Spider Man offers a better main character and a better story. The winner for me is… the original Spiderman.