måndag 22 februari 2016

Looking down upon the chilly Sergels torg this february morning the first thing I notice is how empty the streets are. Perhaps everyone is busy working or just staying inside to avoid the cold swedish weather. Though I'm seeing it from the inside of a warm building I only need to look at the thick layers of clothing worn by all of the people to realise it is still winter. I notice one man wearing a bright orange jacket running towards the subway, clutching a cup of coffee in his hands, spilling some on the ground and on his jacket but doesnt seem to care. All I can think is that he must be really late for something. Further away a violinist is playing a melody I cannot hear from where I'm standing, but judging from the many coins he has collected I'd guess he's pretty good.


Vasamuseet is lacated in Stockholm Sweden one of Swedens Biggest museums. Inside the museum the main attraction us Gustav Vasas ship that sunk right after it left port in 1628. It was left on bortom of the lake for 333 years and was then found and brought up to land 1961. The Vasa ship is the only ship that is preserved from the 1600.

On the museum you can either go on a guided tour through the museum or watch an intruduction movie about loving in Stockholm during the 1600 and how the ship was salvaged.

Standard opening time: 10 am
Standard closing time: 5 pm
Prices:   Adults - 130 kr
              Students - 100 kr
              Kids under 18 - FREE!
What's your all time favourite movie?

- ride along - Oskar
- gasljus -Agneta
- hangover - Muhammed
- Grinchen - Tilda
- finding Nemo - Lisa
- starwars - Henric
- jurassic world - Peter
- star wars - Sammuel
- white chicks - Amanda
- the notebook - Natalie

Winner= starwars!

Upcoming event at Konserthuset:

"This is My story"
By and with Fredrik Apollo Asplund

Premier 11 March 2016 

Dancers, acters, singers and dj's.
Fredrik Apollo Asplund takes us on a trip about his life. 

In februari fashion week takes place in Kulturhuset Stadsteatern with shows from some of Swedens most interesting fashion designers.